Paragraph: The Padma Bridge

Paragraph: The Padma Bridge/The Padma multipurpose Bridge.

The Padma Bridge is a multipurpose road-rail bridge over the river Padma in Bangladesh. It is the sixth largest bridge in the world and the longest bridge in Bangladesh. It is one of the dream projects of Bangladesh. It is 6.15 km long and 18.10 m wide. The bridge has 42 spans in total with each being 150 kilometer long. Moreover, it has about 264 piles in total. The construction journey was started by China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Company Limited on 7 December 2014. There are two parts to this bridge. One is an upper level and the other is a lower level. There is a Four-lane highway on the upper level and a one-lane railway on the lower level. The construction process of Padma Bridge is divided into several parts. These are river governance, the main bridge, connecting roads on both sides of the river, and the construction of the supervision area. The whole construction is completed by May 2022. This bridge is opened by Honourable Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina on June 25 of 2022. Now our dream has come true. The bridge is a reality in Bangladesh. It has connected Bangladesh’s south-western area with Dhaka, the capital of the country via road and rail. For this, regional connectivity is increasing and transport management is becoming convenient. In addition, it is playing an important role in the economic sector of Bangladesh. Industrial development and employment opportunities are causing radical changes in the condition of south-west residents.

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